NEW DELHI: Google on Tuesday honoured Balamani Amma, regarded as the grandma of Malayalam poetry, on the occasion of her 113th birthday with a Doodle created by Devika Ramachandran, a visual artist based in Kerala. Amma was born in 1909 at Punnayurkulam, a town in Kerala's Thrissur region. She won numerous honours for her poems, including the Padma Vibhushan, the second-highest civilian award, and the Saraswati Samman, one of the country's most prestigious literary awards. Amma never attended school or had any official training; instead, she was educated at home by her uncle Nalappat Narayana Menon, a well-known Malayali poet. She married VM Nair, the managing director and managing editor of the Malayalam daily Mathrubhumi, when she was 19 years old. Additionally, she is the mother of Kamala Das, a nominee for