
Refreshing and insightful guide "Atomic Habits" - Register for free audiobook now !

  "Atomic Habits"               (Link to get free audiobook ) Are you ready to unlock your full potential and achieve lasting success? Look no further than “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, the groundbreaking book that has already changed countless lives! I n a world where the promise of instant gratification often overshadows the path to lasting success, James Clear's "Atomic Habits" serves as a refreshing and insightful guide on how to achieve meaningful change in our lives. With an engaging blend of scientific research, real-life anecdotes, and practical advice, Clear delves into the transformative potential of small habits and their remarkable ability to compound into monumental shifts over time. Dear Friends , Dont miss out this free audiobook ! ·           Discover the Power of Tiny Changes: James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” explores the extraordinary impact of small, consistent actions on your life. Learn how to harness the potential

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”

    “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”  is the enchanting debut novel in the iconic Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling. It introduces readers to a captivating world filled with magic, wonder, and adventure. The story begins   “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” with the  introduction of Harry Potter , a young orphan living a miserable life with his neglectful aunt, uncle, and cousin. On his eleventh birthday, Harry’s world is turned upside down when he discovers that he is, in fact, a wizard, and he has been accepted to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This revelation not only opens the door to a world he never knew existed but also unravels the mystery of his past. At Hogwarts,  Harry makes his first friend s: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The trio embarks on a series of adventures as they uncover the mystery of the Sorcerer’s Stone, a legendary magical object with the power to grant immortality. They suspect that someone is attempting to

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Missing Submersible - June 20,2023 - Reasons suggested behind the missing submersible : 2023

  Missing Submersile - Reasons Suggested behind the missing submersible : 2023 (Author - Nithiya K, AP/ECE, SaIT) Submersibles are typically equipped with advanced technology and safety features to withstand the challenges of deep-sea exploration. However, deep-sea operations are inherently risky due to the extreme conditions and unknown variables involved. While accidents or incidents can occur, it is important to note that I am not aware of any specific incidents involving missing submersibles in the Atlantic Ocean in relation to the Titanic.                                                      Photo coutesy - News on June 20,2023 In 2019, a joint American-French expedition, organized by Ocean Gate Expeditions and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), used the Limiting Factor to dive to the Titanic wreck site. The purpose of the expedition was to document and assess the current condition of the wreck, as well as create high-resolution 3D images and maps of the


  WHAT IS GREEM CONSUMERISM ? - Author -Nithiyakrish ( green-consumerism-680845 )  Green consumerism refers to a state in which guests demand services and products that have gone through an eco-friendly manufacturing procedure or bone, which involves recycling and securing the globe's sources. In different words, green consumerism involves the manufacturing, advertising, and advancement of the operation or use of goods and services grounded on their seasoned- surroundings' blessings.  SURVEY RESULTS OF GREEN CONSUMERISM  As it's far said that an inexperienced purchaser is a person who's environmentally and socially conscious and which leads him or her to buy products that are eco-friendly. Over the former many decades, it's being determined that mortal beings are changing their trends and lifestyle in a further surrounding apprehensive manner, paying further responsiveness towards inexperienced oriented gusto global. The take a look at a


    J PARENTING J (ALL COPYRIGHTS RESERVED BY AUTHOR OF THE CONTENT-REPUBLISHING THIS CONTENT IS A CRIME ) ~ K.NITHIYA Parenting is a blessing !! It’s all about how we parents behave with our child and connect with them emotionally,to cater their needs via their speech, action , thoughts etc. Instead of being tough with your child, all you have to do is to get through them with simple tricks ! Happy child ! Happy family is our goal. Isn’t so? As we all have crossed over COVID 19 with these healthy parenting ideas that can be followed to make top notch Healthy parenting. Talk with them about something they like,Help them do their homework , Dance with them singing their favourite lullabies , Read a book with them together, and above all “ Coach instead of control” is our only way spell-word ! GENTLE PARENTING Parents have been raising their children this way for centuries –because it simply means parenting with a focus on empathy, connection and mindful enforced discipline


  WRITING IS A BLESSING ! August 11, 2022   by  NITHIYAKRISH (ALSO  PUBLISHED IN PAZHAGALAAM.COM) COPYRIGHTS RESERVED  WRITING HABIT ! ` BY K.NITHIYA ( ASST.PROFESSOR/ECE -BANGLORE ) Writing is one of the most powerful ways to express yourself. It can help you express your deepest, darkest emotions, and it can help you tell the stories that shape your life. It can make you a better person, and it can help you find your voice. Writing can make you feel like you can do anything. We all have our favorite hobbies, but if I had to choose one, writing would be it. I am often asked why I like writing so much. The truth is, I can’t put my finger on exactly why I love it so much; it’s just one of those things that I can’t imagine my life without. But I can say that it’s helped me in so many ways—and it can help you too. Writing is a great way to express yourself and share your ideas with the world. It can be a lot of fun, too. When you write, you