Kali - Intro with tribals - Kalki section 3

Kalki - section 3

In continuation with section 2, 

"Though I fall, I will rise again, 
Though I sit in darkness.
my lord will be my light "

It is clearly obvious that if someone asks me 

What does this COVID taught us? ! I would say

Don't save anything for a special occasion! Being alive in this kaliyug is a special occasion !

Let's go to ,review of our great national best seller, hereby continues..

Characters in the fiction includes

1. Kali - who opposes vedanta ( king of indragirh)
2. Vedanta - Present king of indragirh
and others were gems of king 's palace 
5.kalki -Resident of shambala
6.Lakshmi - Resident of indragirh.
7.Dukruti - an expert warfare specialist

The next section is the introduction of Kali ( not Kalki)
Kali - The one who sought right to live in indragirh. It was against whom vedanta throned
d war against with.
Kali looked through his binocular,saw the big army of vedanta and slightly get nervous.

According to author,
Kaliyugam is the name came after the man Kali who seek right to live in indragirh kingdom and lead the war by his side as leader.

------------+++------- To be continued 🌟


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