Home conscious Tips#

Hey...ALL..This posts contains some basic tips to be an effective home conscious personality !

                                             ~           (AUTHOR - K.Nithiya )


welcome home hashtag #like as many of you requested for a motivational blog and I get many credits on how to keep up with our home I thought to share 4 of my best home making tips if you like the Vantage don't let me know by liking the blog content. I will be continuing it as a series to have further insights from my day to day life before starting a quick reminder subscribe to home hashtag life and the press of a like on to get regular updates so let's get started



My very first step will be start the day with a fresh and positive note as we all know morning is a very important time of the day because the way you spend your morning can often tell what kind of a

day you are going to have so try to have a very very positive morning those of us

staying at home for that entire day we need full of positivity every day you ask one simple question to yourself . I want to be happy or unhappy you will see a big difference in your attitude I promise you that spend our 10 minutes to clean and tidy yourself for the day before you start taking care of your

Home conscious personality#

Tip Number #1 : The first thing I wish to do in the morning is to have a bath and get ready for the day I to see if it changes throughout my day I spent my day by following daily routines I feel more communicative with neighbors and I don't hesitate to go out if needed as I'm already chromed of it I'm able to set my good habits and goals for the day and I am so proud of that PS don't forget to note these tips in your diary or planners it will help you to understand your day in a database and you can shuffle them as per your lifestyle or need so go grab a pen and paper 

Tip number #2 : will be do our favor to your head start walking or exercising probably you were wondering how come exercising is a part of whom making things my question is why not the more you keep yourself fit more energy you will gain and you will be active two of the day to tackle who making very efficiently I'm so guilty of not maintaining my walk on regular basis but I'm trying to do something at home for 15 minutes or half an hour at least I know it's not sufficient and I'm working towards this good habit book very soon I will be able to say girl routine mostly I dance because I love dancing or even I try to do a few stretches I would like to encourage everyone to continue to focus on health and if you do not have access to gym or teen drawers in your locality and find it difficult to walk in open then switch on the TV or YouTube and do something to stay fit beat aerobics Zumba yoga .

Tip number #3 :  is strive for happiness not perfection many of you always compliments my effort for making our home always clean and tidy I today I decided to show you real life who making situation in our home things are messy so many times laundry has been folded but I didn't put away dishes are gained but piled up on the countertop I didn't dust whom for today's as I was down with people but I tell myself it's completely ok I know my body and mind is completely exhausted and demanding rest mental health is so much important like anything my first priority is taking care of myself your mental health the choosing will happen is for us and then try to make things better not perfect

 Tip number # 4

stay updated and create awareness now this tip is really really close to my heart this is need of the are and I really want to share it with the world as a home maker we pay very less attention to use just like financial matter because most of us think that it's male world if we really want to be a good homemaker and want to leave a better world for our children then try to stay updated start watching news or read newspaper follow any daily news bulletin to stay up to date with what is happening around us and why very recently the has been huge he went cry for water crisis in India banning plastic and so on I'm not going into details but I truly believe that if we are aware of the happenings around us we will be self-aware automatically and it will reflect truly on our day-to-day activity like saving water planting trees and many more I really wish this message can bring some positive changes at least for few households as we all know little drops of water make a mighty ocean let's start with our job and hope to see a change to make our land beautiful place to be !!

(content subjected to copyrights )


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